Open Sky House

Latest Newsletter

India Retreat 2024 Aftermovie

Spiritual Shortfilms: 

Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations

 by John David

Kommende Events: 

Weekly Zoom Meetings

Thursdays 8pm

Public Live Satsang

Once a month

New Book
about Self Realization

Mantra Music

with the Open Sky Band

Darkness Retreat

Upcoming dates:

    11 – 17 November

Experience Spiritual Communtiy

Bring Silence, Mindfulness and Love into your daily life. 

Discover how Spirituality can be embodied from day to day. 
We invite you to take part in the life of the community and the evening activities.

 We invite you to Be as You Are!

Karma Yoga – Step into the Flow

Open Sky House is open to everybody, who wants to look inside. Karma Yoga is a wonderful way to open your heart, get to know the community and how valuable it is to live together in mindfulness.

In order to maintain the beauty of the place, it needs people who support it through their commitment:
in the kitchen, in the garden, craft jobs, translation etc.
We look forward to meeting you!

Living Fully!

Creativity, Authenticity, Music – from Silence

Singing Playing Music Meditating Laughing in Satsang Collage
Papaji John David Ramana Maharshi Osho in a collage

Digesting the Spiritual Teachings

Love and Peace are our Essence, all else is unnecessary weight which we can let go off This is not easy as we are identified with our weight, which refers to the strategies which we aquired in order to function in our social environments. 

All of these patterns we want to examine. At the core, we want to examine the identification with the question “Who am I”. If this question does not find any answer anymore, our conditioning dissolves and you can discover who you really are in your essence. 

The Program

Get to know yourself, have wonderful meetings and dive into the energy of the community.
Find out if you are ready for a new way to live, full of energy

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Yoga and Meditation 

Start the day with movement and focus inward. In the morning we come together, warm up and align our body and mind.

Play Video

Meeting with John David

Meet John David, who  can support your path with his clarity and energy.

Midday Heartdance

Circle dance with live music at noon: open your heart, let go and surrender!

Play Video

Mantra chanting

Mantras with the Open Sky Band that bring body, mind and soul into vibration.

Play Video

Daily workflow

Various simple tasks that let you become part of the workflow of the community. This is how energy gets moving!

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Self Enquiry Workshop

Finding out who we really are. The essence of all spiritual teachings.

Authentic Theater

Discover your playful power and let everything come alive that is inside you.

Spiritual films

Original films about awakening and spiritual work


The transformation week has an active day with regular meditation and time for meditation and stillness

In the evenings we offer Meetings with John David, Workshops, Mantra Singing and Spiritual Films. There is space to discover the inner work of the community, to ask questions and discover yourself in different ways.

The week is a great chance to meet the members of the community and exchange.

Here you can find out if you want to take a new step in your life, providing a protective and supportive environment for your inner search for freedom.

We are always open for helpers and new residents who would like to take part and carry a deep longing for peace inside.

You are Welcome!

Who is the transformation week for?

– Would you like to discover a new way of living with more awareness, authenticity and vitality?

– Would you like to get more in touch with your inherent joy, peace and love?

– Are you looking for a supportive and loving group and a spiritual teacher who can support you in your meditation and inner work?

– You are looking for the deeper meaning of life

– Are you ready to actively participate in the daily life of the community and the evening activities?

Feedback from participants

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Video Feedback 
Fabio, 26

I was very touched by the week. Immersing myself in the community and feeling the warmth, connection, love, silence, joie de vivre and closeness that is so naturally lived there was something very profound for me. The place, the work and the people are like a bridge, a constant reminder to keep looking inwards. The loving devotion to the inner world is very inspiring and so infectious. If you really want to see what’s going on inside of you and get in touch with your being, you’ve come to the right place. I could not leave this wonderfull place and moved in as a resident. 
– Ananda, 28

The helpers’ week still resonates with me. It was really “magical” with you! Everything inside me is still shifting around and around ! The new experiences have changed so much. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for creating this space!
– Andrea, 47

Already 30 metres before arriving at the Open Sky House, I felt a serene, arrived mood in my body. The programme has filled me up, changed my thinking about everything, life, being human and myself, day by day. What remains are many questions and, in a way, a speechlessness.
I am deeply grateful that my life has been good to me and that it has let me get to know such a great place with wonderful beings. Thank you for every single conversation with John David, residents and helpers, it was beautiful.
Shivani, 28

Joy, fun to work, sincere people. Thank you for allowing me to just be here meditatively and join the work. Masks are worn outside, all masks may be taken off here.
Frank, 41

I felt very comfortable, could be as I am and accept myself more. Through the spiritual work I learned that I need more grounding. There was a lot of creativity, and I was able to express myself musically and dance-wise. It was just great!
Philipp, 24

All’ my words cannot express what I experienced with you and it goes on….
in deep solidarity

Annemarie, 69

It was such a beautiful week. Within a very short time I felt at home. I experienced the days as a lively hustle and bustle and at the same time there was this “more”, a stillness, a connectedness and depth that I can’t describe with words. It was a very precious time.
Martina, 50

Beautiful smiling woman

It was good to dive into another life, to fill up with new impulses and energy from the silence and to be a useful part in a spiritual community. In addition to the daily yoga sessions and silent meditations, my highlights included the joint mantra chanting, the exchange with the community members during the daily work and the loving togetherness.
Franziska, 32

The week felt like at least a whole month and an incredible amount has happened inside me. Outside there was a lot of newness and a lot of input and inside it got quieter and quieter, went deeper and deeper and is still going on … I feel infinitely wide and grateful to have found the Open Sky House Community and John David.
Maria, 34

The feeling of calm and silence within is still very present even after a couple of days back home.
I do feel more in touch with the essence of our true self and the sense of unity unfolded deeper and more effortlessly.
There is mostly love and great gratitude linked to this wonderful experience with this wonderful community. It’s almost like there are not enough words to describe what is felt…
But what I can say is that the connections made are so profound and it pretty much felt like meeting parts of yourself and healing with them and through them.
Thank you

Silence is the language of God. All else is poor translation.
Lena, 30

Sign up now


Start: Monday 10am, arrival Sunday afternoon possible
End: Sunday afternoon

Price: 90€ to cover food costs

Single rooms are available on request for an extra charge


+49 (0)2173 4099203
Whatsapp: +49 (0)178 2890814


The week will take place in the beautiful Open Sky House directly on the banks of the Rhine in Hitdorf between Cologne and Düsseldorf

Transformation Week

11 – 17 November 2024

Here you can register and reserve your place in the transformation week. We will contact you as soon as possible to clarify everything else.

We look forward to seeing you!